Although are many causes that lead to global warming, there are many effects that happen as a result of these causes. One of the main effects of this serious problem. The first effect is the increase of water around the world and this water come in different ways for example, tornado and hurricane as happened in united state of America which killed thousand of people and destroyed many homes and Summer monsoons in Asia could become heavier, but summer rains in southern Europe could become less.Sea levels will rise due to the thermal expansion of the oceans. Low-lying areas, such as the coastal regions of Bangladesh, and many small islands, could be seriously affected unless adequate sea defences are built and maintained. Fresh water resources could be affected by saline intrusion as sea levels change. Existing dry land regions may become drier still, resulting in a greater likelihood of desertification. Agricultural output may change adversely in some regions, due to reduced rainfall, but may increase in other areas because CO2 also has a “fertilizing” effect on crops.The final effect of this problem is the ozone hole so as the result of this hole, living organisms will get harmful emission which can kill them and end the life. Finally, I hope we gone a void these effects in the near future.
I dont know about this information about the effects of blobal warming, it's really useful.
If you dont know the effect of this problem so you dont know anything about the real challenge and how people suffer in facing the effect of global warming.
It is a good article and it is usefull. after I read it I feel we will be in a challanch with that problem and we must find solution to save next generation.
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